LDS Bishop Speaks Out. Your Thoughts?

My last post struck a few nerves and this morning I found my inbox with a few emails regarding the post. One reader sent me this link to the Salt Lake Tribune in which a LDS Bishop from Illinois was speaking at a conference. He is quoted as saying: “the way gays are treated and perceived by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is an “atrocity”“.  The bishop also said that “If you leave here not remembering what I have to say, remember this: I’m sorry“.  He then went so far as to say that ” The straight members of the church have a lot of repenting to do“.

Yet, according to the conference sponsor, this is not what the Bishop had said and are saying the Bishop’s talk is being misrepresented.

The emailer added her opinion  in which she felt strongly the Bishop had no right to speak his opinion in public in which it could be taken as ‘official.’

I disagreed with the emailer after I watched the video of the Bishop’s message. He directly says this is his opinion and felt strongly moved by the Spirit to speak out. He did not suggest-or even hinted-this was an authoritative message. He was prompted by the Spirit to speak up and so he did.

There is an ongoing conversation amongst gay advocates, both inside and outside of the LDS Church, in regard to the responsibility in which the Church should “officially” assume for the tragic suicides of young gay Church members. There has been a public outcry for the Church to “officially” apologize for what some perceive to be mistreatment of gay Church members. The Church’s  involvement of California’s Prop 8, on same-sex marriage continues to be  debated as being anti-gay.

There seems to be a divide within the Church and as more members speak out publicly and more people take the time to educate and understand homosexuality, I can only hope that this is the beginning of bridging the gap between the Church’s gay members and straight. Healing needs to take place, but before this can happen, knowledge and education must begin first.

I’ve included the Bishop’s video here along with other links for you to look over. Curious on your thoughts in regards to the information provided.

Huffington Post’s Article regarding the Gay Mormon Conference: “Circling the Wagons”

Salt Lake Tribune’s article

The Church’s Official Stance on Same-Gender Attraction


I apologize for the lack of posts. Dealing with an overwhelming amount of work right now, plus the worst migraine headaches you could imagine which makes writing a little difficult.

Saturday night, our ward held a talent show. I had a terrible migraine and slept most of the day. This isn’t BS here: I actually had fifteen minutes of rehearsed and well-scripted dialogue for that night, but it was all for not. Due to the headache, I totally ad-libbed, hence the crossing of the legs and the variety of ‘Um’s’.

My Words…Never Cease

Elder Holland’s testimony of continuing revelation.This touched my heart deeply. Each of us can have a testimony on revelation when we study the Scriptures and meditate with prayer and an open heart.

Continuing revelation does not demean nor discredit existing revelation.