Sunshine of The Holy Spirit

I woke up a couple of mornings ago to a dark, dreary, drizzly day. Figures, I thought to myself as I moaned and groaned out of the bed. The day before was not a good day, despite the fact I tried to change my attitude, thinking ‘happy thoughts’ and remembering to breathe. It was one of those days that flicker like a switch with a lot of chaos and a lot of toddler whining and a heckuva lot of pre-teen/teenage backtalk.

When I awoke that morning to hear the rain outside all I could think about was everything I had to do that day and how on Earth was I going to manage to get it all done. It all seemed so complicated…and it took everything I had not to pull the covers over my head and hide.

“If the weather was just nicer, my attitude would be different,” I whined to myself. “I hate Alaska. Why can’t I live somewhere warm?”

I grudgingly got out of bed muttering about how if the sun was only shining a little… things would be easier. I began to curse the rain, the darkness, the upcoming winter, the upcoming snow and ice and bitter cold…

And then I stopped.

Because I sounded ridiculous.

In cursing the lack of sunshine, the upcoming and inevitable winter months, it dawned on me that the lack of warm weather…the lack of a golden sun warming my face wasn’t only physical. I was in a terrible mood, not because of only the weather, but because I was spending precious time complaining and not taking the time to bask in spiritual sunshine. I wasn’t opening my heart and mind to allow the Holy Spirit in.

I was lacking light…the light of the Holy Spirit.

In the daily hustle of bustle of my life, I often find myself neglecting spiritual things for the million and one daily things on my To Do List. In doing so, I am condemning myself for a life of dark rain and a bitterly cold winter. Our bodies need food and water daily…our souls and hearts need the Word of God and time with Him.

We’ve all heard of the Power of Positive Thinking…and I believe the change in our thoughts can change our attitude and attract the glow of the positive. But what if we took it a step further and not only change our thinking, but take the time to ponder on the gifts of the Spirit?

What is your favorite time of the day for spiritual study? How do you schedule it in your busy day?